Secure your financial future.

Certified financial planning

Our Certified Financial Planning service is more than just advice; it's a partnership in crafting your financial future. At Cooper Eagle, we bring a blend of expertise, foresight, and personalized attention to every aspect of your financial planning. From understanding your current financial situation to setting long-term goals, our certified planners are with you at every step. We consider all elements - investments, taxes, estate planning, insurance, and more - to develop a comprehensive plan that adapts to your life's changes. With us, you gain not just a plan, but a roadmap designed with your specific dreams and goals at the forefront.


Achieve financial stability and security for the future.


Experience financial growth through strategic planning.

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Benefit from flexible planning that adapts to your evolving needs.

Crafting your blueprint with precision and care.

Certified Financial Planning at Cooper Eagle merges expertise with empathy, resulting in a service that's as meticulous as it is meaningful. Our approach is holistic, considering every aspect of your financial life to create a plan that grows and adapts with you. The value we bring to your financial journey is immeasurable, guiding you towards a future of prosperity and peace of mind.

Ready to explore the possibilities with a team that truly understands your financial aspirations? Reach out to us today, and let's create your personalized financial plan.


What’s the process of becoming a Cooper Eagle client and how long does it take?

We typically meet with clients 1-2 times before deciding to work together and 1-2 times to implement recommendations and consolidate client accounts.

1. Introductory Meeting

  • You will get to know us and we will get to know you. 
  • We will discuss your goals & document your personal balance sheet. 

3. Recommendations & Implementation

  • Sign paperwork to officially partner together.
  • Collect documents to begin the account opening process.
  • Begin to implement our agreed upon recommendations.

2. Discovery Meeting

  • We will learn more about your goals & answer more of your questions.
  • We will discuss potential recommendations and solutions based on your goals.
  • (By the end of the discovery meeting we agree that we want to work together.)
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